Key Factors to Look at When Selecting a Pipe Inspection Camera

by Eugene Brawner
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In as much as plumbing systems require maintenance and inspection, it is essential to settle for the right pipe inspection camera. For professional plumbers, an excellent inspection camera is the difference between a quick repair and a more extensive one, or for homeowners who like to do some work on their own. This article focuses on the most important aspects that should be taken into consideration when selecting robotic pipe inspection cameras to enable users to get the most suitable tool for their jobs.

Flexibility and Cable Length

Another factor which should not be overlooked is the cable of the camera, especially as to its flexibility. Pipes can be narrow and twisted and therefore a cable that will be used must be flexible enough to make turns and bends without sticking. Also, the cable length should be proportional to the pipes to be inspected or the entire length of the pipeline depending on the situation. For home use, the cables are usually between 10 and 30 meters but for commercial or industrial use, longer cables may be needed. The material of the cable should also be strong enough to be used repeatedly in possible unfavorable conditions.

Camera Head Size and Design

The size and design of the camera head are very important, particularly when examining pipes with small diameters. A smaller camera head is more maneuverable in the narrow pipe and a well-designed head is more maneuverable in bends and joints. Some models have self-levelling camera heads so that the image is always the right way up which can be a big bonus when it comes to spotting problems.


Proper lighting is required to get good images, especially in areas such as pipes. LED lights are normally located around the camera head of most pipe inspection cameras and these light up the area being inspected. These lights may be bright or dim, therefore, it is recommended to go for a camera with adjustable light to suit any inspection conditions. Some of the more complex models also come with infrared lighting, which can be very helpful in almost no light at all.

Portability and Power Source

Another consideration is portability; this is important to the professionals who need to transport their equipment from one site to another. Portability is enhanced by the small and light construction of the equipment. Also, it is important to think of the power source of the pipe inspection camera. Some models are rechargeable and this makes them ideal for use in areas that have no electrical outlets. But the battery backup and whether it uses non-rechargeable or rechargeable batteries should also be considered for longer use.

Cost and Warranty

The cost aspect is also relevant at all times. The prices of pipe inspection cameras vary depending on the features. There is a strong desire for more and more sophisticated functions. But it is important to take into account the costs. Also, one should look at the warranty as well as the customer support they offer. A good warranty is helpful and can offer security to the investment, particularly if the camera is to be used intensively in challenging conditions.

Recording and Storage Capabilities

This can be very helpful especially when it comes to recording issues or for instance when clients need to be shown some problems within their pipes. Some of the pipe inspection cameras have the feature of recording the inspection session. This is in the form of video or even photographs. Depending on the model, some cameras have built-in memory, while others are compatible with SD cards or USB flash drives. This is why the camera must have enough storage space and the possibility to transfer files to other devices for further analysis or sharing.

Durability and Waterproofing

Since pipe inspection cameras will be used in most cases in wet, dirty, or corrosive areas, durability is an important aspect. All the parts of the camera, the cable, and the monitor should be made from strong materials to avoid breaking easily. Durability is a major factor of consideration, and waterproofing is critical since the camera will be used in inspections that involve exposure to water. To be safe choose cameras with high waterproof ratings. It will be good for better performance in extreme situations.


Selecting the right pipe inspection camera entails several factors such as the quality of the camera, the flexibility of the pipe, the lighting, and the durability of the camera. Thus, focusing on such factors, users can choose the tool that meets their requirements and performs inspections effectively and without errors. Whether for commercial applications or do-it-yourself projects, a good pipe inspection camera can be a great time, money, and effort saver for plumbing systems.

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